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2020 United States presidential election

Electoral vote Biden 306 Trump 232

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Exit polling

Voter demographic data for 2020 were collected by Edison Research for the National Election Pool, a consortium of ABC News, CBS News, MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, and the Associated Press. The voter survey is based on exit polls completed by 15,590 voters in person as well as by phone.[342]

2020 presidential election voter demographics (Edison)[343]
Demographic subgroup Biden Trump % of
total vote
Total vote 51 47 100
Liberals 89 10 24
Moderates 64 34 38
Conservatives 14 85 38
Democrats 94 5 37
Republicans 6 94 36
Independents 54 42 26
Men 45 53 48
Women 57 42 52
Marital status
Married 45 53 56
Unmarried 58 40 44
Gender by marital status
Married men 43 55 30
Married women 48 51 26
Unmarried men 52 45 20
Unmarried women 62 36 23
White 41 57 67
Black 87 12 13
Latino 65 33 13
Asian 63 36 4
Other 55 41 4
Gender by race/ethnicity
White men 38 60 35
White women 44 55 32
Black men 79 19 4
Black women 90 9 8
Latino men 59 37 5
Latino women 69 30 8
Other 59 38 8
Protestant/Other Christian 39 60 43
Catholic 52 47 25
Jewish 76 22 2
Other religion 69 29 8
None 65 31 22
White evangelical or born-again Christian
Yes 24 76 28
No 62 36 72
18–24 years old 65 31 9
25–29 years old 54 43 7
30–39 years old 51 46 16
40–49 years old 54 44 16
50–64 years old 47 52 30
65 and older 47 52 22
Age by race
White 18–29 years old 44 53 8
White 30–44 years old 41 57 14
White 45–59 years old 38 61 19
White 60 and older 42 57 26
Black 18–29 years old 88 10 3
Black 30–44 years old 78 19 4
Black 45–59 years old 89 10 3
Black 60 and older 92 7 3
Latino 18–29 years old 69 28 4
Latino 30–44 years old 62 34 4
Latino 45–59 years old 68 30 3
Latino 60 and older 58 40 2
Others 59 38 8
Sexual orientation
LGBT 67 30 7
Non-LGBT 51 48 93
First time voter
Yes 64 32 14
No 49 49 86
High school or less 46 54 19
Some college education 51 47 23
Associate degree 47 50 16
Bachelor's degree 51 47 27
Postgraduate degree 62 37 15
Education by race
White college graduates 51 47 32
White no college degree 32 67 35
Non-white college graduates 70 27 10
Non-white no college degree 72 26 24
Education by race/gender
White women with college degrees 54 44 14
White women without college degrees 36 63 17
White men with college degrees 48 50 17
White men without college degrees 28 70 18
Non-White 71 26 33
Under $30,000 54 46 15
$30,000–49,999 56 44 20
$50,000–99,999 56 42 39
$100,000–199,999 41 58 20
Over $200,000 48 48 7
Union households
Yes 56 40 20
No 50 49 80
Military service
Veterans 44 54 15
Non-veterans 53 45 85
Issue regarded as most important
Racial inequality 92 7 20
COVID-19 pandemic 81 15 17
Economy 16 83 35
Crime and safety 27 71 11
Health care 62 37 11
East 58 40 20
Midwest 47 51 23
South 46 53 35
West 57 41 22
Area type
Urban 60 38 29
Suburban 50 48 51
Rural 42 57 19
Family's financial situation today
Better than four years ago 26 72 41
Worse than four years ago 77 20 20
About the same 65 34 39

The Brookings Institution released a report entitled "Exit polls show both familiar and new voting blocs sealed Biden's win" on November 12, 2020. In it, author William H. Frey attributes Obama's 2008 win to young people, people of color, and the college educated. Frey contends Trump won in 2016 thanks to older White without college degrees.[344] Frey says the same coalitions largely held in 2008 and 2016, although in key battleground states Biden increased his vote among some of the 2016 Trump groups, particularly among White and older Americans.[344] Trump won the white vote in 2016 by 20% but in 2020 by only 16%. The Democratic Party won black voters by 75%, the lowest margin since 1980. Democrats won the Latino vote by 32%, which is the smallest margin since 2004, and they won the Asian American vote by 27%, the lowest figure since 2008.[344] Biden reduced the Republican margin of white men without college educations from 48% to 42% and the Democrats made a slight improvement of 2% among white, college-educated women. People age 18 to 29 registered a rise in Democratic support between 2016 and 2020, with the Democratic margin of victory among that demographic increasing from 19% to 24%.[344]

Post-election analysis using verified voter data found the Associated Press's Votecast was more accurate than the exit polls.[345][346]


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