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Montana Tucker @montanatucker HUMANITY


A beautiful show of support at the #GRAMMYs last night.

Thank you @montanatucker for standing in solidarity with the hostages and their families and for making sure the world hears their cry.

#BringThemAllHomeNow #montanatucker When I received the invitation to attend the Grammys, my excitement was beyond words. The honor and fortune of having the opportunity to walk that iconic red carpet and be surrounded by so many people I look up to , was surreal. Yet, I felt a responsibility—an obligation to do something meaningful in honor of the over 100 hostages still in captivity- innocent people that were taken away from their families. I knew no one else would, and despite the nerves and uncertainty about the reaction, I was determined. The decision to raise awareness on such a grand platform was clear – if I had the opportunity at the Grammys, I had to seize it. Last night, with the incredible support of an all Jewish/Israeli team, my vision came to life. THIS ISN’T POLITICAL. This isn’t about taking sides. This isn’t about religion. This isn’t about race. This is about HUMANITY. Thanks to @madebyila for making my crazy idea come to life in 3 days & @ortal_labrecque_beauty for making me feel powerful and confident in my skin. Walking the Grammys carpet became more than just a red carpet moment—it became a statement for those who couldn’t make one themselves. I also want to thank @harveymasonjr for his incredible speech. We need to keep striving for #moreUNITY. #MoreEMPATHY. #MoreLOVE. ##STANDWITHISRAEL #HamasisISIS #hamasnazis #AgainstNazism #FreeIran #SupportUkraine #Antideutsche #Antifa #SupportIsrael #againsthamas #againstantisemitism


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